Reaching Out to the Community
We Have a Ph.D. in TLC.
For many years, the Terrebonne General Health System Outreach Services
have provided needed healthcare to thousands of residents each year. Among
the numerous classes and services, a few of the many diversified healthcare
areas covered are diabetes care, support groups, cardiovascular educational
programs, weight control workshops, and, of course, flu shots.
Although many people take advantage of these wonderful services, several others cannot get proper transportation on a regular basis or for special programs. It is for this reason that Terrebonne General, though the use of donor-driven contributions through The Foundation for Terrebonne General Health System, is planning the purchase and furbishing on an outreach medical vehicle to regularly visit the Terrebonne Council on Aging Senior Centers, the various VFW and American Legion Centers, and possibly other familiar centers located throughout the parish on a regular basis.
Terrebonne General healthcare professionals could check blood pressure, distribute information on a variety of topics, conduct “mini-seminars” on specific areas of healthcare if enough people request it, and possibly administer flu shots to people at a minimal cost. Using the outreach, Terrebonne General will be able to go to the patients in their individual neighborhoods and administer mostly preventative care and advise residents if they should seek additional healthcare opportunities with their family doctor or from other sources. It will be strictly through community donations to the Foundation that this most worthy program will be able to work.
To learn more, please call us at (985) 873-4141.
Health System
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